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Visual depth of Isolante sealer
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Author:  Sheldon Dingwall [ Wed Sep 09, 2009 12:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Visual depth of Isolante sealer

I've used the McFaddens Rosewood sealer and found the visual depth to be lacking. How is Isolante?

Is Chemcraft (now Akzo Nobel) a PIA to deal with? It sure seems like it from this end.

Author:  joe white [ Wed Sep 09, 2009 4:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Visual depth of Isolante sealer

Do you mean the clarity of the sealer? I have found the rosewood sealer to be extremely transparent and since so little is applied I don't understand how depth plays into this?

Author:  Erik Hauri [ Wed Sep 09, 2009 8:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Visual depth of Isolante sealer

I think Sheldon is talking about chatoyance - or how 3D the grain appears when you apply the sealer.

Author:  Sheldon Dingwall [ Wed Sep 09, 2009 9:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Visual depth of Isolante sealer

Erik Hauri wrote:
I think Sheldon is talking about chatoyance - or how 3D the grain appears when you apply the sealer.

What he said.

Author:  joe white [ Wed Sep 09, 2009 11:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Visual depth of Isolante sealer

Ohhhhh,, Magic Sealer?? idunno laughing6-hehe

Seriously, if the wood has any pop to it at all, the sealer will "wet" it enough to see what's going on in the grain. I would have to think that Isolante and Rosewood Sealer appear very similar once sprayed. The big advantage with Isolante is no scuffing and not having to wait overnight.

Author:  Sheldon Dingwall [ Thu Sep 10, 2009 10:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Visual depth of Isolante sealer

joe white wrote:
Ohhhhh,, Magic Sealer?? idunno laughing6-hehe

Seriously, if the wood has any pop to it at all, the sealer will "wet" it enough to see what's going on in the grain.

I haven't found that to be the case. The wash coat can make or break the depth (chatoyance - I've never liked that word) of the top coats.

To me, urethane wash coats have always looked like they lack depth. I haven't played with over-reducing which might be one solution, but might also cause solvent popping issues.

joe white wrote:
The big advantage with Isolante is no scuffing and not having to wait overnight.

That's "Magic" enough for me, which is why I'm curious about it. ;)

Author:  joe white [ Thu Sep 10, 2009 1:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Visual depth of Isolante sealer

That's "Magic" enough for me, which is why I'm curious about it. ;)[/quote]

Me too Sheldon, I have just been afraid to mix products (McF's-Chemcraft) Funny you mention over reduction. I actually under reduce the Rosewood sealer and only apply one coat. Could be why I haven't noticed the sealer distorting the image.

Author:  LRegnier [ Wed Sep 23, 2009 8:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Visual depth of Isolante sealer

Hi Sheldon,

Chemcraft was bought out by Akzo about two years ago.

Regards - Luc

Author:  Sheldon Dingwall [ Thu Sep 24, 2009 3:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Visual depth of Isolante sealer

Thanks Luc.

I called up Akzo a few weeks ago. I haven't heard back from them. In the mean time, I found a company that's relatively close that will custom blend PE to my specs. I'm testing a galon right now.

Author:  Bob Garrish [ Fri Sep 25, 2009 3:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Visual depth of Isolante sealer

Ask Mike Collins (the Selmer Mike Collins) about it: he uses the Chemcraft UV system end to end.

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